Strona: Staff Changes within the PCI Project! / Department of Complex Systems

Staff Changes within the PCI Project!

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Logo of PCI and partners

Kamil Pikuła, BEng. (February) is the winner of the competition for a student intern, participant of PCI Project, announced yet in January this year.  Kamil takes part in a three-month paid internship (1 II 2022 - 30 IV 2022), where he deals with issues related to tuning, parameterization and modeling of the problem using QSAR techniques and tools.  Despite the finalization of the contract,  Kamil will continue to work in the Project, on an ad hoc basis.

Paweł Bereś, PhD, DSc (March), IOR Professor, also joined the Team.  He is an expert in plant breeding and fertilization.  In the Project he helps to optimize the plant growth experiments (biopreparation, potting tests).

Amit Kumar Halder, PhD (April) is an expert in QSAR technology and computational chemistry.  He is the author of the QSAR-Mx tool (Halder et al., 2021) used ultimately, in the Project.  Dr. Halder will be responsible for the dedicated parameterization of the QSAR method, tailored to the problem from the Project, and for the selection of an appropriate objective function subject to optimization.

We believe that such a strengthened Team will make communication easier (the Project is strongly interdisciplinary) and new members will make it easier to address uncertain areas, which are present due to the strong interdisciplinary nature of the Project and relatively high Project risk.  Profiles of all persons (Bio) can be viewed in the "Project Staff" section.

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