Strona: Stages / Department of Complex Systems


red. Bartosz Kowal

Stage I

Implementation of scientific research - obtaining the 2nd Level of Technology Readiness

Task 3: System analysis and assumptions for the final system

Objective: Support in the development of a set of functional and non-functional assumptions for the final solution developed in the project - an SDN-based security system for the OT network.

Task I.3.1 Analysis of the functional capabilities of network mechanisms with high potential for use within the SDN infrastructure, affecting the reliability and redundancy of the network structure.

Summary of Polish and international law, standards, policies and good practices in the field of telecommunications and cybersecurity."

Task I.3.2 Development of assumptions regarding:

I.3.2.1 possible topological structures, taking into account the nature of network traffic, QoS, system architecture and the possibility of actively responding to incidents in the SDN environment;

  • I.3.2.2 methods and means of ensuring the redundancy of physical and logical connections, taking into account the specificity of SDN technology;
  • I.3.2.3 the scope of technologies enabling ongoing monitoring of network flows towards their representation as time series in order to check the possibility of detecting anomalies in the SDN architecture;
  • I.3.2.4 determination of methods and means of locating measurement data acquisition points, taking into account their impact on the efficiency of the system and the load on its individual elements.

Task I.3.3 Development of a set of complementary topologies, as well as technologies, methods and means as well as network mechanisms that guarantee redundancy, reliability and acquisition of measurement data intended for use in the SDN infrastructure.



P1 State of the art review.

P2 An analytical study prepared on the basis of the state of the art regarding the functional capabilities of the SDN infrastructure affecting the reliability and redundancy of the network structure.

P3 List of assumptions regarding: possible topological structures for the SDN environment, methods of ensuring the redundancy of physical and logical connections taking into account the specificity of the SDN technology, the scope of technologies enabling the monitoring of network flows in order to potentially detect anomalies in the SDN architecture; determination of methods and means of locating measurement data acquisition points.

P4 Review of Polish and international law, standards, policies and good practices in the field of telecommunications and cybersecurity.


Stage II

Implementation of scientific research - obtaining the III Level of Technology Readiness

Task 3 Analyzes of cybersecurity assumptions and development of the final system

Goal: conducting analyzes of operational assumptions for cybersecurity management using the final solution, as well as conceptual work on the development of the system.

Task II.3.1 Analytical and laboratory tests to confirm the effectiveness and functionality of selected network mechanisms and topological structures from the point of view of their use in SDN networks to manage a distributed environment of network devices, taking into account security, redundancy and reliability aspects. Especially:

  • II.3.1.1 theoretical confirmation of the functionality of critical elements of the data collection and analysis system;
  • II.3.1.2 confirmation on theoretical grounds and in simulations of the possibility of effective management of mechanisms ensuring redundancy, reliability and QoS in topological structures in terms of SDN infrastructure;
  • II.3.1.3 designing assumptions for tests of key elements of the system in the context of their functioning in conditions of border saturation with network traffic;
  • II.3.1.4 analysis of the possibilities and effectiveness of the use of AI methods in the field of network data analysis.

Task II.3.2 Development of a set of recommended architecture elements and methods of their integration.



P1. Report on analytical and laboratory tests to confirm the effectiveness and functionality of selected network mechanisms and topological structures from the point of view of their use in SDN networks.

P2. A set of recommended architecture elements and methods of their integration.


Stage III

Implementation of scientific research - obtaining the IV Level of Technology Readiness

Task 3 Support for experimental research of modules and subsystems

Objective: conducting analyzes of operational assumptions for reliability and redundancy management using the final solution, as well as conceptual work on the development of the system and its implementation scenario.

Task III.3.1.1: implementation of laboratory work in a pre-integrated environment to confirm the possibility of integration and cooperation of individual prototyped elements of the final system and initial verification of the assumptions made,

Task III.3.1.2: development of scenarios for the implementation in a distributed network environment of mechanisms ensuring redundancy and reliability of network connections and effective acquisition of measurement data in the SDN network architecture, taking into account the response to network incidents.



P1. Report on the possibility of system integration and initial verification of the assumptions made.

P2 Scenarios for the implementation of mechanisms ensuring redundancy of network connections and effective acquisition of measurement data in the SDN network architecture.