Strona: Projects / Department of Complex Systems


Quick Report Checking System – 4xS – Education Solution Using Machine Learning and AI Techniques

The 4xS – Rapid Report Checking System project utilizes machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to automate and improve the evaluation process of student assignments. The application features modules for students to upload their work and for authorized personnel to assess them. Integrated with university systems like USOS, the platform significantly accelerates the evaluation process while providing flexibility and intuitive use. Designed to meet modern educational needs, the system focuses on ensuring fast, accurate, and objective assessment of academic performance.

Koordynator PRz: MSc. Patryk Organiściak

NAUCZAJKA – Responsive Web App connecting Tutors with Students

The Nauczajka project focuses on creating a responsive web application that connects tutors with students. The application is designed to be accessible on both computers and mobile devices. It enables users to easily find the right tutors using advanced search filters, while offering a rating and review system. Additionally, the app facilitates direct communication between students and tutors via an integrated chat, improving the efficiency of arrangements. The project was developed in response to the growing need for remote education, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, and aims to enhance access to quality education.

Koordynator PRz: MScKrzysztof Demidowski

AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques

The joint Erasmus+ project is the result of cooperation between a consortium composed of:

The AICY project aims to develop AI-powered cybersecurity training materials for vocational education and training in line with EU goals.

By implementing the project, the consortium wants to develop ICT skills, which play an important role in vocational education, through cybersecurity training. In this way, curricula supporting digital transformation and consistent with professional skills will be developed in line with the European Commission's DigCompEdu, Digital Action Edu.Plan and Digital Compass goals.

PRz coordinator: PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka, Assoc. Prof.

RaP STEAM – robotics and programming in primary schools in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship

The project is implemented in a consortium: Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Rzeszów University of Technology, Grodzisko Dolne Commune and the Provincial Cultural Center in Rzeszów.
The aim of the project is to increase the quality and effectiveness of the offered educational services in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship aimed at developing primary school students' competencies in the field of robotics and programming, which are important in the labour market, in the period from May 2023 to December 2029.
The project plans to introduce a pedagogical innovation into primary schools regarding teaching computer science in grades 4-8 using elements of educational robotics and extracurricular activities in educational robotics. Equipment necessary to implement the tasks and objectives of the project will be purchased for training centres and school laboratories; provided substantive support for teachers and school management staff; extracurricular activities in educational robotics and robot programming organized in schools for students; preparing students and teachers for robotics competitions/competitions; robotics camps organized for students and workshops promoting robotics, programming, and STEAM teaching.
The project will benefit public and private primary schools in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship teaching grades 4-8 that have expressed their willingness to participate in the project, as well as their students, teachers and management staff.
The project is planned to provide support for:
- approx. 771 schools
- approx. 1,050 representatives of the management staff
- approx. 2,520 teachers
- approx. 8,672 students
The RaP STEAM project is systemic in the context of regional challenges in increasing the quality and effectiveness of the education system in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
The project envisages the development of specific skills, competencies and qualifications of students necessary for the development of the regional labour market, social development and educational development.
Project value: PLN 133,044,117.00
Amount of contribution from European Funds: PLN 113,087,499.45

Principal Investigator, PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka, Assoc. Prof.

CriNet, Critical Network SDN Security System - SDN security system for critical infrastructure

The aim of the CriNet project is to develop a crucial technology "SDN for OT" and products based on it. The products include software systems and prototypes of Polish network equipment, which will allow to use of modern philosophy: Software Define Networks to secure Industrial Control Systems and Operational Technology (OT). Products of this project will increase cyberspace situational awareness of the operator of critical infrastructure. It will also allow easy execution of security policies in response to incidents, which will allow a momentary reconfiguration of the network. Such a capability is a substantial increase in the security of equipment and processes of critical infrastructure. The use of national equipment increases supply chain security. The idea of developing SDN network equipment dedicated to OT security and the idea of using SDN to secure critical infrastructure in a way described in the project constitutes a world innovation.

Principal Investigator, PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka, Assoc. Prof.

University Teaching Excellence

The system for ensuring the quality of education at PRz in the field of data and information processing is based on IT systems that enable comprehensive analyzes and mass processing of information with each stakeholder related to the quality of education, including: evaluation of educational outcomes, numerical parameters and compliance of entries and changes made with legal requirements; entries are visible with specific time stamps. for training cycles. The IT system is available at and enables cooperation between course coordinators, faculty administrators and the Rector's representative for education quality assurance and faculty coordinators. Together, it creates a database and information about the fields of study - from highly aggregated data (coefficient analyses, study plans, effects relations) to detailed data related to each education module; contains the necessary teaching materials, references to the scientific achievements of employees and enables ongoing teaching activities related to, among others, with remote verification of learning outcomes during the diploma theses defences.

As part of the University Teaching Excellence project, the system was developed with the following functionalities:

  • implementation of new methods of publishing educational content,
  • expansion and modernization of the role system,
  • expansion of the PRK editing and sharing system for the offered fields of study,
  • archiving and sharing archives in the education effects editing system,
  • testing implementations in the editing system of new learning outcomes,
  • expansion of the defence and remote meeting subsystem,
  • integration of the education outcomes editing system with the ZRK system,
  • integration of the education outcomes editing system with library data for guidelines in the evaluation of disciplines,
  • new front-end with full ability to publish content on faculty websites,
  • expanding the system API with access to library data,
  • editing observation evaluation protocols,
  • employee evaluation,
  • electronic internship management system.

The University Teaching Excellence project was implemented under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program co-financed by the European Social Fund (financing application number POWR.03.04.00-00-P023/21), offer W1

Principal Investigator, PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka, Assoc. Prof.

Machine learning methods in modeling and analyzing of the legs and joints stiffness impact on injuries related to physical activity

The aim of the project is to develop an IT system for tracking the running process, collecting data and analyzing them in terms of avoiding injuries and building an IT system for analyzing the degree of leg stiffness. As part of the project, measuring devices for testing movement parameters will be made. Measurement data will be collected and analyzed using AI-based methods. The obtained mathematical models and algorithms will allow to create software that will measure the degree of leg stiffness in real time. Based on the expertise of specialists, changes in the leg stiffness parameter will be determined, which are correlated with the occurrence of the injury. The project requires the involvement of an interdisciplinary team including people representing the following disciplines:

  • physics - theoretical development of motion parameters, consultations in the construction and preparation of measuring devices, interpretation of measurement results.
  • biomedical engineering - designing devices for measuring motion parameters, making devices, preparing devices and software.
  • computer science - acquisition and collection of measurements, software of mathematical models, data filtering - machine, data processing and analysis - machine learning, mathematics - analyzing data, filtering data according to specific rules, creating various mathematical models, optimizing models, creating machine learning rules.

Principal Investigator: prof. A. Włoch

Interdisciplinary Cyber Training – a project related to the problems of cybersecurity in SME

NIST’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) indicates that there should be done crucial steps toward remedying the shortage of “people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the tasks required for cybersecurity work.” Such a workforce will include “technical and nontechnical roles that are staffed with knowledgeable and experienced people.” Generally, it is difficult to produce a workforce with these interdisciplinary skills and to solve the problem of communication among educators, researchers, and people who use information technologies. Collaboration and communication between these groups are necessary. One problem is that companies, particularly SMEs with fewer resources need help to appreciate the competencies and skills gaps of their employees, methods to evaluate the existing situation as well as using training possibilities to reskill their employees.
The Interdisciplinary Cyber Training (InCyT) project would like to implement some solutions in this context. It has as a first objective the development of a framework, which provides a mechanism for VET and companies to describe the digital and other existing gaps in cyber security for professionals and non-professionals in order to avoid cyber-attacks and help them to improve their situation.

Principal Investigator, PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka

QSAR technique in the selection of biopromoting ratios of bacteria to create an innovative eco-fertilizer 

Some bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis or B.licheniformis, carry out biochemical reactions that improve soil quality and promote plant growth, including crops. The project involves obtaining a prototype of an innovative eco-fertilizer based on a consortium of PGPR bacteria of the genus Bacillus. Selection of the appropriate combination of strains enhancing synergistically the effect of secreted substances (on selected plants and some soil properties) will be carried out using the QSAR bioinformatic technique. In the short time allocated to the project, bioinformatic analyses of bacterial genomes for potentially growth-promoting substances are planned, followed by selection of a set of bacterial strains using bioinformatic tools. At the end of the project, biochemical and chemical analyses will be performed on selected products produced by the consortium and a biopreparation will be constructed, ready to be tested on an industrial scale.

 Principal Investigator: Michał Piętal, PhD

A system for collecting and analyzing data to support the assessment of the effectiveness of cosmetic treatments in spa therapy

As part of the project, a data collection and analysis system will be developed to support the evaluation of the effectiveness of medical cosmetic treatments in spa therapy. Many official Polish reports indicate the insufficient use of the health resorts and the situations of mutual blocking by patients from using a wide range of available spa services. This leads to a decrease in the financial efficiency of the spa treatment system. In order to be able to do any actions changing this state, first of all, it is necessary to build IT systems for collecting data that concern patients using spas, the scope of treatments and solutions offered by spas that affect therapies and cures. This applies both to the stationary spa treatments and additionally through the use of spa medical cosmetics. Many years of practice in the operation of various spas, supported by their statistics, surveys, opinions of patients and good practices, indicate that medicinal cosmetics can extend the period after which further stationary treatments are needed. The IT system proposed in the project will consist of a computer application, a server for data collection and a database to which, on the basis of a specialized survey prepared by medical doctors and physiotherapists, it will be possible to successively enter data by patients and doctors. The system will perform preliminary statistical analyzes and will present and prepare the data so that they can be further analyzed in order to obtain hidden rules and potential recommendations.

This type of comprehensive IT solution may contribute to: a significant improvement in the efficiency of the health resort's operation, obtaining numerical data confirming the effectiveness of additional treatments based on cosmetics, advertising services and acquiring regular customers, advertising the cosmetics offered as effectively supporting on-site treatments. On the basis of this system, it will also be possible to apply similar solutions, e.g. in private spas that can offer their clients various types of stationary therapies along with similar complementary treatments based on various therapeutic cosmetics.

Principal Investigator, PhD. Dominik Strzałka

Oxford Nanopore technology: optimization of enzymes and analysis of genomic data for commercial applications

The goal of the project is to achieve a form that allows potential commercialization of basic and industrial research on 4th generation sequencing technology - Oxford Nanopore at PRz. This technology is an innovative solution in the field of protein analysis and their mutation having many practical applications in the area of: rapid identification of pathogens, virus monitoring, analysis of the state of the environment, monitoring of the state of food, analysis of antibiotic resistance, genetic mutation testing leading to cancer. Particularly useful is the MinION solution that allows protein sequencing through a mobile USB device. The project provides for basic research based on a series of experiments on the industrial optimization of enzymes produced by Bacillus bacteria (proteases, amylases, lipases, chitinases, pectinases, as well as compounds with bactericidal and antifungal activity). In the field of Oxford Nanopore technology, cooperation with CeNT UW will be carried out. During the implementation of the project, experimental data will be collected and they will serve as motivation to finalize the bioinformatic server, which will automatically process data from the MinION sequencer, eliminating the need for bioinformatic skills by the person performing the sequencing (e.g. biologist). The progress of server development is possible thanks to the alpha version of the solution proposed by CeNT UW.

The project will combine three research areas: biotechnology (genetics), bioinformatics and computer engineering. The results of the work will be published in two articles (bioinformatics, biotechnology). Both areas of the project (i.e. new enzymes and server) may be commercialized in the future.

Principal Investigator, PhD. Dominik Strzałka

Remote control of the manufacturing process based on the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) method using ICT infrastructure taking into account distributed system architecture

The project is interdisciplinary and is associated with the creation of complex production environments, including research in the area of ​​development and verification of mechanisms for integration and synchronization of individual tasks within the remote production process, taking into account the problems and threats to the distributed technological process in an environment with heterogeneous ownership structure.

Principal Investigator PhD. Marek Bolanowski

Regional Center of Excellence for Automation and Robotics, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications at Rzeszów University of Technology

The project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (027/RID/2018/19).
The project refers to the following areas:

  • the development of automation and robotization of additive technologies and cavity machining implemented on CNC centers (including HSM and HPC) used in industry companies of the region gathered around the Aviation Valley cluster by creating digital twins for selected processes;
  • artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Everything (IoE), machine learning (ML) and analysis of large data sets of quickly collected data (Big Data) in the idea of ​​Industry 4.0 (I4.0) developed within the Aviation Valley cluster, which also covers companied in the automotive industry to develop intelligent, learning (evolving) systems for monitoring robotic and automated production processes;
  • the design of solutions based on RFID technology with applications supporting the quality of life through intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) modules implemented as embedded textronic structures for the textile industry (smart textiles) and designing distributed power supply systems for electrical and electronic devices in the aspect of the requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility directive 2014/30/EC;
  • the support for disabled and handicapped people through vision systems supporting communication and communication in sign language;
  • the development of electromobility, including the efficiency and use of electric motors as components of critical vehicle drives in various systems (including on board aircraft) and the acquisition of energy and power supply through power electronics;
  • the development of procedures for processing, measuring and analyzing signals and calibrating electronic tools, advanced DSP methods and artificial intelligence in measurements with potential applications in medical diagnostics (ECG, EMG, PPG, speech signal);
  • the development of packages for programming control systems in accordance with the PL-EN 61131-3 standard, taking into account the approach enabling modern, object-oriented programming in ST, IL text and graphic FBD, LD, SFC;
  • modeling of optoelectronic devices, their development and development of experimental research methods and tools enabling the analysis of noise limits.

Principal Investigator, PhD. Andrzej Paszkiewicz

University of Technology for Young Explorers, NCBiR nr POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-UMO/17 for projects in the "University of the Young Explorers" program regarding the development of the university's offer in the scope of the implementation of the third mission

The project is financed from the PO WER program. Rzeszów University of Technology received funding in the amount of 461 125.87 PLN. The project will be implemented by three faculties of the university: Electrotechnics and Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Physics and Chemistry with the administrative support of the Technology Transfer Center. The aim of the project is to develop competences by popularizing science and stimulating the desire to learn and develop technical knowledge in an unconventional way among children and adolescents aged 12-15, primary and secondary school students from the Podkarpackie region. Two editions of the project have been planned, and the first classes will start as early as October 2018. The next edition will start at the beginning of the academic year 2019/2020. At the University of Technology for Young Explorers, 402 pupils and students will be able to 'study', who will have one of three faculties to choose from: a school of young IT specialists, a school of young physicists and mathematicians, and a school of young chemists.

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Paweł Dymora

From theory to practice - internships at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, POWR.03.01.00-00-S055/17-00

The project has been developed and obtained (co-financing 2.68 million) as part of the PO Knowledge Education Development competition. The aim of the project is to increase the chances on the labor market by acquiring and developing key competences corresponding to the needs of the economy by 244 students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer (WEiI) in the period from March 2018 to November 2019. This goal will be achieved by gaining practical experience gained during three-month (national) internships in well-developed enterprises of the region and the country. High quality internships will enable students to gain practical work experience and will also contribute to the qualifications required by future employers. As a result of cooperation between the academic and business community, the positive image of the University of Technology will be promoted as a place for training modern staff. The objective of the project is part of the specific objective no. 1 of PO WER: "Increasing the competences of people participating in education at a higher level, corresponding to economic needs, labor market and society". The internship program will ensure optimal preparation of WEiI students to the needs of the labor market, will affect the development of professional and interpersonal competences.

Implementation period: 01/03/2018 - 30/11/2019. Details of the project can be found at:

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Mirosław Mazurek

Electronics for the automotive industry, POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-MOT/17

The project developed and obtained (co-financing 2.1 million) as part of the competition PO Knowledge Education Development for the automotive industry with the participation of employees from Bury Technologies Sp. z o. o. Mielec in the field of education of 40 faculty students of electronics and telecommunications (Master degree studies) for the needs of the development of Bury Technologies Mielec and automotive companies operating in the Podkarpacie region. The project includes: an internship program, a training program, study visits, dedicated student projects implemented for the company. Implementation period: 01/01/2018 - 31/10/2019. Details of the project can be found at:

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Dominik Strzałka

Invest in yourself, UDA-POKL 04.01.02-00-098/12

Project acquired as part of the Human Capital Operational Program co-financed from the European Social Fund; Priority IV: Higher Education and Science, Activity: Strengthening and developing the teaching potential of universities and increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. Sub-measure: increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. The project implemented in the period 01.06.2012 - 31/12/2015 for a total of PLN 6 256 631,52 within the so-called ordered fields including: IT, power engineering, automation and robotics.
Details of the project can be found at:

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Mirosław Mazurek

Become a Good Bachelor of Engineering, UDA-POKL 04.01.02-00-187/11

Project acquired as part of the Human Capital Operational Program co-financed from the European Social Fund; Priority IV: Higher Education and Science, Activity: Strengthening and developing the teaching potential of universities and increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. Sub-measure: increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. The project implemented in the period from 01.06.2011 - 31/05/2015 for a total of PLN 4,964,806.80 as part of the so-called ordered fields including: IT, power engineering, automation and robotics. Details of the project can be found at:

The project was awarded by the National Center for Research and Development.

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Dominik Strzałka

Increasing the number of graduates in the fields of computer science and mathematics, UDA-POKL.04.01.02-00-056/09

Project acquired as part of the Human Capital Operational Program co-financed from the European Social Fund; Priority IV: Higher Education and Science, Activity: Strengthening and developing the teaching potential of universities and increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. Sub-measure: increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy. The project implemented in the period from 01.05.2009 - 30/09/2014 for a total amount of PLN 4 315 523,00 as part of the so-called ordered fields including: computer science and mathematics. Details of the project can be found at:

Principal Investigator: PhD. Eng. Dominik Strzałka, PhD. Eng. Mirosław Mazurek