Strona: The 9th International Conference - WorldCist'21 / Department of Complex Systems

The 9th International Conference - WorldCist'21

, red. Bartosz Kowal
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On Wednesday 31.03.2021, Piotr Hadaj, M.Sc. gave a paper at the 9th International Conference - WorldCist'21,

The article authored by Piotr Hadaj M.Sc. and Dominik Strzałka Ph.D. entitled: Analysis of German National Electricity Grid at Risk of Random Damage - Case Study was presented.

The article is published and available at SpringerLink -

The mentioned article concerns the analysis of the behaviour of the German national electricity grid using graph theory and complex networks and has been published in SpringerLink as a contribution after the international conference "WorldCIST 2021: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies ".

P. Hadaj, D. Strzałka, Analysis of German National Electricity Grid at Risk of Random Damage - Case Study, WorldCist'21, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72654-6_1


In this paper, a case study is conducted based on real data obtained for the German national electricity grid. The analyzed network represents the high-voltage connections and switchgear of 220 and 380 kV lines. Selected graph parameters - average vertex degree, vertex degree distribution, network capacity, clustering coefficient, average path length and graph diameter - were investigated, taking into account that in the analysis some nodes were randomly removed, simulating different failures. For each simulated failure, its impact on the network parameters was calculated. The end result showed that, in the case under consideration, the removal of just ten nodes can cause a significant decrease in graph performance. This in turn means that the entire network under consideration cannot be treated as a fault-tolerant network.

The article is available online at:

We encourage you to read it.

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