Strona: Summary of the VII "Something About IT Security" Scientific Conference / Department of Complex Systems

Summary of the VII "Something About IT Security" Scientific Conference

, red. Bartosz Kowal

About the conference

Groundbreaking ideas, innovative solutions and comprehensive discussion - these three elements were at the heart of the 7th Something About IT Security Scientific Conference, which took place on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The event, organized by the Something About IT Security scientific circle, brought together experts in the field of cyber security to share their knowledge and experience, as well as present the latest trends and developing technologies.

Proceedings of the conference

The conference was opened by the president of the Something About IT Security research club, who introduced the activities of the science club in the current academic year. The first plenary session was chaired by Mariusz Nycz, PhD. Eng. It was an opportunity for participants and guests to learn more about the activities of the science club and the cyber security sphere. Speakers included experts from various fields, such as Artur Maj from Prevenity, Łukasz Barański from eSecure/SecureVisio and Katarzyna Firmanty from Deloitte.

The second plenary session was chaired by Pawel Dymora, PhD. Eng. In this part of the conference, speakers focused on the practical aspects of cyber security.  Tomasz Topczewski of Exclusive Network talked about how to catch cyber criminals before they catch us, and Pawel Drylo of Xebia discussed the ins and outs of the "dirty game" in cyber security. Speeches by Bartłomiej Wierzbinski of UNSHADE and Stanislaw Hady-Glowiak of the University of Economics in Katowice concluded this part of the conference.

The third plenary session was led by Associate Dean for Education Miroslaw Mazurek, PhD. Eng. During this session, students from Rzeszow University of Technology presented their research in various areas of cyber security. Adrian Krawczyk discussed the dangers of cryptocurrencies, and Karol Dudek presented Podman, the Docker conqueror. Szymon Kmieć spoke about automation in the software development process, and Marek Piędel revealed the secrets of ChatGPT. Maciej Zak discussed cluster and deviation detection in network traffic, and Vitalii Morskyi ended the session with a presentation on neural networks in network traffic analysis.

The entire conference was very popular among students of the Rzeszów University of Technology, as well as high school students.

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