From 17/09 to 20/09/2019 PhD. Eng. Paweł Dymora and PhD. Eng. Mirosław Mazurek from the Department of Complex Systems participated at the conference of the project: I-TRACE Immersive TRAining for aerospace ID, implemented by the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the Rzeszów University of Technology under the leadership of prof. dr hab. Romany Śliwa under the Erasmus + program. The I-trace project aims to add innovative technological tools to the teaching process at universities, vocational education and training institutions or companies by connecting and strengthening the links between the world of education and training and the world of business. I-trace deals with discovering future skills needs in industry and improving the current technical vocational training process in the aviation sector through new pedagogical concepts and methodologies based on digital integration in teaching, by using immersive teaching offered by new virtual 3D teaching environments and other innovative forms of learning through experience.
In this way, updated digital skills most difficult in existing educational pathways and practical experience in this growing sector will be more accessible to students throughout the European Union.
In addition to Rzeszów University of Technology, 6 European partners participate in the I-TRACE project, including providers of vocational training, universities, groups of chambers of commerce and companies specializing in virtual reality.
The countries involved are Italy, Norway, Poland and Spain. The project will be implemented for 24 months (from 01/11/2018 to 30/10/2020).
Please visit the project website:
Conference I-TRACE