Strona: New research devices at Department of Complex / Department of Complex Systems

New research devices at Department of Complex

, red. Mateusz Salach

In today's rapidly evolving digital environments, ensuring the security of data and information systems has become a key challenge for organizations. However, the variety of systems, applications and devices used implies the use of different, not only defensive but proactive methods to counter threats and periodically check their effectiveness. One such method has become penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking. Therefore, in the Department of Complex Systems, a laboratory has been equipped with tools for implementing the tests. The use of professional hardware and software allows for a precise and comprehensive examination of IT infrastructure. The available tools allow to carry out simulated attacks, analyze network traffic and user behavior. In addition, they have become a tool base for the Something About IT Security research club operating at the plant. The lab includes:

  • equipment for physical and social engineering attacks - usb rubber ducky, shark jack, bash bunny, plug, plunder bug lan tap, flipper zero,
  • WiFi network security analysis - wifi pineapple, hackrf one,
  • UTM and NGF firewall appliances - Paloalto, Juniper, Fortigate,
  • access and storage devices.
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