Strona: Monograph: "Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki stosowanej" / Department of Complex Systems

Monograph: "Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki stosowanej"

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Monograph cover

Monograph "Selected Issues of Applied Computer Science" (pl. Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki stosowanej) contains two chapters of our Depertment of Complex Systems employees: PhD. Michał Piętal and M.Sc. Bartosz Kowal

It includes a variety of topics relating to issues in the field of applied computer science, starting with two different numerical methods for solving boundary value problems of mathematical equations, the last two chapters focus on issues related to security of operating systems using antivirus software, and problems related to the lack of certain information in the analysis of issues.

The author of chapter 3 entitled: "Review and assessment of the effectiveness of protection and performance of selected antivirus programs" is M.Sc. Bartosz Kowal. In his chapter on the effectiveness of current programs, he presents tests on 7 different anti-malware applications. As it can be read in the text: "The research showed that each program used the computing power of the virtualized operating system differently. (...) The analysis of the research results showed that each of the analyzed programs is 100% capable of detecting and eliminating malware".

The author of chapter 4 entitled: "Missing values in data: issues, challenges, methods" is PhD.. Michał Piętal. Chapter presents problems related to a certain type of information, i.e. missing value. "The author's intention was to present and show the significance, complexity, generality and universality of the problem of the occurrence of missing values. (...) At the same time, it should be noted that there is no universal recipe or method of selecting the technique of introducing values" - writed PhD. Michał Piętal.

The publication can be purchased in the Publishing House of Rzeszów University of Technology in building no. F at M. Skłodowskiej-Curie street.

We presents the chapters summary of our employees:

B.Kowal "Review and assessment of the effectiveness of protection and performance of selected antivirus programs":
With each year, criminals in cyberspace are becoming better and more cunning. One of the safeguards against their attacks are antivirus programs that provide real-time protection against all kinds of threats. The article presents a review and assessment of the effectiveness of protection and performance of selected antivirus programs. The main goal of the research was to check if the selected software would detect all possible malware from a specific set of malware. Antivirus scanners also affect other system parameters such as CPU usage. Research has shown that each program used the computing power of the virtualized operating system differently. The results obtained can serve as a guide for users who are asked what antivirus software to choose. Analysis of research results has shown that each of the analyzed programs is 100% capable of detecting and eliminating malware. The most important element of these programs is the cloud-based threat recognition that allows faster and more effective threat detection without waiting for local signature updates

M.Piętal: "Missing values in the data: problematics, challenges, methods ":
The 21st century can certainly be called the age of information. The world is full of data, in terms of types, sources, size and complexity. Thanks to the data, we have insight into a fragment of the reality it describes. Through its reliability, size, correctness and detail, and with the right tools of analysis and knowledge, we can be tempted to explore the inaccessible truths governing a given model. However, there is a kind of data that seriously shakes the decision-making machine: it is the missing value. As a natural consequence of this, anxiety arises that raises a number of questions. Which information is missing? Why this one? How important is it? What can be done with it? What can't be changed? Won't changes affect our results? Missing value appears at every moment of data collection, storage and processing, is a key element of each of these processes. This chapter discusses the problem of missing values in data and provides examples of how to solve it. 

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