Strona: Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0 / Zakład Systemów Złożonych

Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo MDPI processes

W czasopiśmie mdpi Processes (IMPACT FACTOR 2.973) ukazał się artykuł którego współautorami są pracownicy ZSZ: dr inż. Andrzej Paszkiewicz oraz dr inż. Marek Bolanowski.

A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Oleksy: Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0, Processes, 8(9), 1019, 2020,


This paper presents the process for creating an integrated design and manufacturing environment supporting 3D printing as part of the structure of Industry 4.0. This process is based on a developed framework for the design of modern automated and computerized infrastructure. The task of the described system is to combine all the steps included in the operating range of incremental systems based on an IT platform by integrating data from individual areas, such as IT systems supporting remote 3D printing. The proposed framework for incremental processes is a universal solution that can be defined in detail by a single organizational unit running 3D printing, as well as by a cluster of entities related to 3D printing. In the initial phase, the framework design includes a set of guidelines for IT (Information Technology) systems that facilitate the construction of individual elements and the creation of communication interfaces. In subsequent stages, the framework may already implement elements of the access and communication program interface, as well as guidelines for the industrial components to be included. The proposed framework for additive technologies is based on modern IT tools that enable the creation of geographically and functionally possible prototyping systems that can be integrated into the structure of Industry 4.0. To create optimal processes and economic systems, the principles of the construction and integration of individual services and equipment were developed. This new comprehensive approach is proposed in the present paper as a coherent framework. Moreover, the proposed solution has great potential for use in the design and production processes of various industries, such as chemicals, materials and construction.

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