W dniu 7 marca został opublikowany rozdział pracowników Zakładu Systemów Złożonych dr inż. Pawła Dymory oraz dr inż. Mirosława Mazurka w książce Sustainable Intelligent Systems (wyd. Springer) pt. Personal Data as a Critical Element of Sustainable Systems—Comparison of Selected Data Anonymization Techniques
Dymora P., Mazurek M. Personal Data as a Critical Element of Sustainable Systems—Comparison of Selected Data Anonymization Techniques. In: Joshi A., Nagar A.K., Marín-Raventós G. (eds) Sustainable Intelligent Systems. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, 2021,
In order to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of public data, the open data concept has been developed in recent years. Apart from its unquestionable positive effects, the whole process of opening data can also lead to negative ones. In most of the sectors processing vast amounts of data, such as medical, financial, or environmental. there are also legally protected data the publication of which has far-reaching pejorative consequences. The article presents selected methods for sharing data containing confidential information in open data systems. The depersonalization of data subject to modifications makes it impossible to identify the subject that has been moved. Anonymization and pseudo-anonymitation techniques were used. The most popular methods of data anonymizmion were compared: masking, permuta-tions, adding noise. k-anonymization, l-diversification, and t-closeness. The ask of data extraction, correlation, or reasoning was determined based on the research.