Strona: Direct communication of edge elements in the Industrial Internet of Things / Zakład Systemów Złożonych

Direct communication of edge elements in the Industrial Internet of Things

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
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W dniach 6-9 września w Sofia, Bułgaria odbyła się cykliczna konferencja „Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - FedCSIS 2020”, podczas której został przedstawiony referat współautorstwa pracownika Zakładu Systemów Złożonych – dr inż. Mariusza Nycz.

M. Hajder; P. Hajder; M. Nycz; M. Liput, Direct communication of edge elements in the Industrial Internet of Things [w:] Preprints of Communication Papers of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems , 2020 Warszawa, Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne



In this paper the results concerning changes introduced into the architecture of connections of an industrial computer network built on the basis of solutions characteristic of the Industrial Internet of Things were described. We introduce the new solutions improving such properties of industrial networks as: reliability, information security and usage of computational resources available in edge elements. The basic goal of the research was ensuring continuous functioning of the industrial computer network. Isolation of critical elements of the technological process can have far-reaching consequences, including local threats to workers' health and life, and even global technological disasters. Continuity of operation as a consequence of the reliability of the components of an information system is one of its most desirable properties. The offered solution is based on the use of multi-channel reconfigured optical bus that is activated when the basic communication channels fail. In addition, the use of the described solutions for the build of a parallel, heterogeneous computing system based on elements of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi and system servers has been described and evaluated.

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